After we left Wellington with the ferry to the South Island, we stayed in Golden Bay for a week at Davids house, who is a good friend of Amy’s dad. It was a really relaxing week in this house with…
My Skydive At Lake Wanaka
I know that I haven’t posted in a long time but I am very busy at the moment. A few days ago I found my USB stick with the video from my Skydive at Lake Wanaka on the South Island…
First Weeks In New Zealand
As You already know, I arrived in New Zealand at the 7th of January. I was travelling the first 2 weeks in a rented Campervan (Thanks to Jucy, their cars are amazing) from Christchurch to Auckland, where I am at…
Los Angeles 2013
OK, this is my first real post this year. Before my arrival in New Zealand I stopped in Los Angeles to fulfill a lifetime dream of mine – to see a NBA game live. And I could tell ya´ll that…
Future Of Felmatours
Most of you already know this, but here is the “official” statement. This year Marcel and I are traveling separate!! I will continue posting stuff on the blog and Marcel will probably post stuff on his Facebook Page etc. Marcel…
Surprise, Surprise
Now, that nearly everybody knows, that we flew back to Germany last November, it´s time to show you all the reason, why we did that 😉 We wanted to surprise our families and no one (besides Felix’ brother) knew that…
Down The Coast
Finally, we have sorted out the best pictures from our tour down the coast from Cairns back to Sydney. Felix´s brother Christoph arrived in Cairns at the beginning of October and we started with an unforgettable diving experience at the…